Lawn Maintenance Services in Las Cruces & Mesilla, NM, El Paso, TX & Nearby Cities
Our services include commercial maintenance, lawn mowing, yard cleanups, and leaf removal.

A well-manicured lawn will bolster the curb appeal of your property. At Extreme Landscaping, we can help keep your grass in top condition throughout the year with our professional lawn maintenance services. These services include commercial maintenance, lawn mowing, yard cleanups, and leaf removal. We offer our lawn maintenance services to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Las Cruces and Mesilla, NM, El Paso, TX, and nearby cities. Call us today at (575) 652-3605 to schedule any of our top-notch lawn maintenance services!
Residential Maintenance
We know how important it is to keep your residential property in tip-top condition throughout the year. That’s why, when you sign up for our residential maintenance package, you can choose between a weekly and a bi-weekly schedule.
Commercial Maintenance
We can help keep your commercial property in excellent condition with our commercial maintenance service. This service can be customized to meet the exact needs of your property, whether it's an office park, apartment complex, retail center, or another type of commercial property. No matter the size, we will make sure that your grass looks great.
We can install a rock ground covering in your landscape beds to add beauty to your beds and to help protect your plants from the elements!
Lawn Mowing
We offer our lawn mowing service to keep your grass neat and well-manicured. When you sign up, our team will visit your property on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to cut your grass. We frequently rotate our mowing patterns to give your lawn a fresh look and prevent ruts from forming. To ensure the best results, we also adjust the height at which we mow your grass depending on your specific turf type. Once we're done mowing, we will blow grass clippings and other debris off your hardscapes so that we leave your property in pristine condition.
Yard Cleanups
Does your yard need a refresh? If so, we have a solution. We offer our yard cleanup service throughout the year to get it back in order and restore its polished appearance. During a cleanup, we remove debris and weeds from your yard, refresh and rake your rock ground coverings, and trim your bushes. We can also mow your grass if needed. You can schedule our yard cleanup service on an as-needed basis; however, two of the most popular times of the year to get your yard cleaned up are in the spring and fall.
We can trim and prune your plants as needed throughout the year to help keep them healthy and looking their best.
Leaf Removal
Don't let leaves pile up on your lawn. Instead, you can sign up for our leaf removal service. When you do, we will round up the leaves that are littering your yard by either blowing or raking them to a tarp. Then, we will haul them away so you don't have to worry about getting rid of them. We usually perform our leaf removal service from the start of November to mid-December, after most of the leaves have fallen off your trees. But make sure to book this service in advance so you can snag a spot on our schedule!
Call today to schedule our lawn maintenance services!
Do you want to take your property to the next level? If so, we're here to help. We offer a selection of top-notch lawn maintenance services to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Las Cruces, Mesilla, and surrounding cities in New Mexico. We also proudly serve properties in El Paso, TX, and nearby areas.
Our professional lawn maintenance services include commercial maintenance, lawn mowing, yard cleanups, and leaf removal that will keep your grass in outstanding condition throughout the year. We have been providing our services to local property owners since 2013 and look forward to helping you in the near future. Call (575) 652-3605 today to sign up for any of our lawn maintenance services!